Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pain is your credential...

Don't be afraid to be the "Fool"... think of Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Luther King... Know your heart virtue, be authentic, listen to your heart and use your brain as a tool. Start being creative. Think positive thoughts throughout the day to increase your personal energy. There are many positive heart feelings including love, compassion, non-judgment, courage, patience, sincerity, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, and care. Use meditation or calm, quiet moments to reflect on your heart’s intelligence and listen for intuitive thoughts.Make time each day to sit quietly and focus on your heart. Imagine you are breathing through your heart. Calm your mind. Try to not think of anything but breathing through your heart. When your mind is clear, you will begin to receive impressions and ideas. These are coming from your heart. Pay attention.

What do you love the most?
What would you change right now if you had no limitations?

LISTEN: Greg Mooers

LOTS of inspirational videos ; )