Sunday, February 28, 2016

Stay Curious...

We get sad, we get scared, we wonder what could we do to feel better when we're sad or feeling lost... Usually we grab on to a glass of wine, or cigarette, or more than a glass of wine or just one cigarette... but, do we actually feel better after it? We get drunk, we get drowsy but we don't actually feel better. Whatever pain is consuming our energy, it's still there when we wake up.

But if this is not happening to you and you're just watching someone else going through that "If I do this I'll better" process , no side effects right?!

Well,  that's what some neuroscientist are starting to notice and suggesting. Your mind is built by you as a witness. We see the world not exactly as it is, but through our own lenses, and we create our own virtual reality of reality. What we actually capture of reality is just a brief idea, because our mind is usually somewhere else. Hey, why is it so hard to meditate? Because the mind wonders into those short personal movies of what happened or must be done, it's hard to focus just on our breath and on the room temperature. The mind wonders and constructs castles, castles with dungeons...

So, what I'm suggesting here is that, instead of letting ourselves go in whatever movie the mind is on, we stop and be curious about what we're thinking and what we are feeling.

Stay curious and ask yourself why you feel you need an extra piece of cake, or why you need to go on Facebook/ Email/ Twitter / Youtube again...

If you're curious about yourself and your choices, you start catching your own mind and it's tricks. Don't let it win over you. Release your self from beliefs, addictions that are not good for you. Stay curious...

Ask yourself, am I really feeling a lot better after eating that whole chocolate? Does this cigarette taste that good? Why do I need to go to the bathroom when that person enters the room? ... you know.

So stay curious, don't let your mind tell you what you're feeling, feel it for yourself.

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