Friday, May 18, 2018

Strong & Fragile

… And she looked in his eyes and said, in a trembling voice, “I’m sorry” and after turning away and walking a few heavy sad steps, she turned back, and with eyes full of tears, she said, “Thank you…”, for this is what Life is, a series of lessons that come as waves, some are scary and crushing, others take us into a flow of connectedness… a powerful loving gratitude takes over everything we know and you & me are no longer distant, no longer strangers, we are part of wider and brighter existence, one we cannot understand being stuck in one single, controlled perspective.

… release yourself, don’t be afraid…

When we are afraid we judge and compare, we imagine how everything can be lost, and for must of us, the easiest response is to run away and hide, and we close our eyes and deny everything that was seen, said and thought. And then comes regret. Regret for not having said what we really feel and believe.

We should really say, a lot more often, that we Love the people we have as warm shoulders to rest our heavy heads. Please say it… it’s ok if they’re afraid to reply back, it’s ok. You will not get sick from saying something you deeply feel and are grateful for.

And then, accept change. Accept sudden unacceptable situations. Accept irrational, bewildering, confusing life happenings… they have a reason behind them.

Laws of physics, everything changes… "Constructal Law: all of nature is composed of flow systems that change and evolve their configurations over time so that they flow more easily, to create greater access to the currents they move…" * Life is strong and fragile at the same time.

We are strong and fragile at the same time.

*Adrian Bejan

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